What Will Happen if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day

You’ll Soothe Your Upset Stomach

If you go to see a physician with an upset stomach, you will probably be instructed to follow the BRAT diet. Shortened banana, rice, apple, and toast, are made up of easily digestible basic foods. Bananas are excellent for keeping the stomach and digestive system happy because potassium helps maintain the balance of the electrolyte. The fibers also help in developing regularity.

You’ll Take in Almost 30g of Sugar

Sugar is a bad word for diet these days, but as for bananas, there is nothing to worry about. Nutrition specialists suggest a significant reduction of sugar in our day-to-day food. Bananas contain natural sugar and they also come with a good dose of fiber.

Fibers are very effective by slowing down the digestion (carbohydrates and sugar burn rapidly) and stabilize the effect on blood sugar levels. So, bananas are good mid-day snacks or supplements to your meals when needed to stay energized.